OK - so i really really appologize for not having updated the blog in quite a few weeks... here are a couple of pictures in the meantime before i write about my thoughts on Antigua, Guatemala... it's a place we've come to call home for the past couple of weeks, and we'll be here for another couple... taking spanish classes, salsa lessons.... we have our own clique of friends, a local supermarket, a favorite restaurant... on the street, we meet people we actually know, and go to the same mama shop for coke and chips every night, and the same bakery for curry puff-like thingy each morning before school. yes, with party nights and all, we still get up at 7am every morning for class. how diciplined are we!!?!? you should be proud.

The football stars.... and the WAGS.... Final score? 9-7
(little did they know at this point that all four would suffer from major back and knee pains for the next 4 days following the match...)

HALLOWEEN! Jem actually went as ZORRO but revealed his face for the picture. I went as the spirit of Mardi Gras (gave away some of my beads...) Also, notice SPOONICORN?

US (Jem, myself and our fave couple - Nikki and Dave) at Panajachel.... Jem at our favorite restaurant in Antigua - Cafe Escudilla

Another one of our weekend trips. This one was to Lago Atitlan, Guatemala.

The gang at Riley's

Flores Sunset & TIKAL ruins (our first stop in Guatemala before heading to Antigua)

The night we spent at the bus station from Chatumel (mexico) to Belize City. (Belize City was an experience. A bad one. Hence, we have no photos of Belize.)