Top Things We Love About Buenos Aires
In no particular order:

Tango in the Streets, Freddo's Chocolate & Banana Split flavored Ice Cream, Empanadas de Carne, Midnight Cravings for Parilla and Flan at El Desnivel.....

Mothers at the Square on Thursdays, Quilmes Beer, Modern Art Museums, Red Red Wine, Cooking in our closet sized kitchen in our apartment in Recoletta....

Daydreaming in the park, Murals in Palermo, Shopping at Abasto, the search for chillies at every grocer, prime steak and wine for $7, Watching "paseaperros" (professional dog walkers)with 15 dogs...

Tango Shows at Cafe Tortoni, The unique "zh" Argentinan accent, crisp 100 peso notes, the colors of La Boca, the natural high each morning from being in Bs As...
Disovering the city's secrets each day, Street Performers, Eating dinner at Midnight, Mate Straws, Sunrise on the Docks...

Sitting in the Park, San Telmo on Sundays, Live Music, Opera Bay, Cortados & Cafecitos in Old Cafes, The Bombonera Stadium, Life of the ever-fashionable Portenos, nearby Rosario....

Falling orange autumn maple leaves, The peace of strolling through the Recoletta cemetary, Puma stores, oil paintings and antiques, Watching futbol crazy fans, Parties that last till 8am...

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