Only 1000km from Antartica

As Patagonia left a cold summer behind and transited into a freezing autumn, we were heading more and more south towards the southernmost town in the world. Two Singaporeans thought that their polyester sweaters, jeans and hats would shield them from the icy winds of Ushuaia.
Getting to the tail end of South America was hard. After crossing from Argentina's border (exit immigration), into Chile (entry imigration), across a channel on one of those vehicle carrying boats (highlight - tens of dolphins leading us across!), out of Chile (exit immigration), into Argentina again (entry immigration)all this in the FREEEEZZZIINNGGG cold, we were finally in Ushuaia after traveling for hours on end.
Thankfully, we survived with all our un-frostbitten toes in tact and the rush of being as far down as a civilization could exist. Luck was on our side though, as we did have sunshine for 3 out of the 5 days we were there - which according to the locals, was extremely rare. On the day we scaled an Ushuaian mountain to get a view of the Martial Glacier, we had sunshine, rain, rainbows, wind, hail and snowfall all in the span of 2 hours! CRAZY!
Special thanks to Pieter & Karen for giving us much more than just photographs.
We made it to Ushuaia (and have special stamps on our passports to prove it!)
Famous lighthouse on the Beagle Channel, View of Ushuaia, Karen smiling at the fact that we're closer to Antartica than to Buenos Aires, Autumn arrives, Woody Woodpeckers in Tierra del Fuego National Park.
WIld Seals & Sealions along the Beagle Channel
View from the boat - Freshly fallen snow on the mountains of Ushuaia
One of the many many rainbows we saw
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Our Belgian friend Pieter, deep in thought....
Part One - Tierra del Fuego
Unfortunately, we have no pictures of us here - just have to take our word for it for now (except on our MM camera – see previous post) but the trek was amazing. The first part was a 3 hour trail along the coast… beautiful scenery of snow capped mountains, woodpeckers going crazy banging their heads against the trees and lovely autumn colored leaves. The second trail was 1 hour and as Jem put it, it felt like we died and went to heaven… little mounds of bright green “carpet grass” and bunny rabbits hopping free everywhere. Exactly where I used to imagine "Brer Rabbit" living. The sun was shining and the lake glistening. It really was paradise.
Us on the Beagle Channel & Tierra del Fuego
Part Two - Glacier Martial
Difficulty: Hard!
The exciting part about this besides seeing the glacier up on the mountain, was that it was Jem’s first experience with snow!!! The hike was quite grueling (and tough on the knees) but well worth it. Snowball fights, little snowflakes, little hail, little sun, and Jem went sledding in his jeans which was heaps of fun but fairly uncomfortable once over. Wet jeans and undies in the whipping cold winds high up in the mountains ain’t that comfy! But all in all, helluva lotta fun.
Martial Glacier looming over Ushuaia.
Goofing around in the snow
Jem's birthday message to me - He was almost a casualty of frostbitten fingers!
Resting our knees & lunching after the grueling climb down from the glacier.
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