Thursday, November 16, 2006

In and Around Antigua - Part Dos

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Isn't Antigua Gorgeous?

Antigua Ruinas

Us and the local Guatemaltecans! Alejandro and friends from Guate City and our Salsa teachers, Alberto and Yoko (honorary Guatemalteca from Japan based on excellent Salsaing skills - and for dating Alberto).

Some of us got close... and others got closer...

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Chilling at Sky Bar watching the sun set over the Volcan.
The Gang

El Salvador with Duncan, Nathan, Anand, Nicci and Dave - brilliant picture curtesy of Jems
Volcanic Sand at the beach - brillianter picture by Shaanie

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We've created a Monster! The tai-tee addiction Goes West.
One board, Five Guys. Notice none on it.

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View from Playa Tunco, El Salvador


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