Getting into Honduras was LEH-CHEH!. Since we were leaving from the little village of Lanquin, we had to take a shuttle headed for Antigua, but get off in the middle of nowhere – in a town called El Rancho. From there, we got herded onto a local bus bound for another middle of nowhere place called Chiquimula. They threw us off in Chiquimula and told us to walk 2 blocks (though the street market) and finally we saw shuttles which the guy said go straight to Copan, Honduras. But of course, we had to change shuttles in the middle of nowhere to another shuttle, which dropped us at the border town of El Florido. We went through immigration finally at 6pm on a Sunday and then were totally ripped off by apparently “the last shuttle left” which was going the 10 km to Copan.
The town of Copan (and our hostel – La Manzana Verde (the Green Apple) was charming, and needing to recover from the long local bus journeys, we decided to rest a day before heading to La Ceiba to catch a ferry to the island of Utila.
As luck would have it, Dave, Nicci and us were all stuck in La Ceiba coz due to bad weather conditions, there were no ferries leaving for (or coming back from) the Bay Islands. DAMMIT JANET!!! On the other side on Utila, were our Dutch friends who were stranded on Utila, unable to return to the mainland. Esther had hurt her shoulder and they finally decided to CHARTER a mini little plane back! Isn’t that the coolest thing ever!?
So with thousands of Limpiras (hey, we thought we were gonna be spending quite a bit on diving in the Bay Islands etc….) we decided to cut our losses and head into Nicaragua through the dangers of Tegucigalpa. So much for Honduras….

Border Crossing: Honduras - Nicaragua
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